Questions & Comments

Please feel free to ask questions, request new features, provide suggestions, report bugs, and comment on LEMSlope.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Lisandro

    Hi! Is there a way of installing new python modules into LEMSlope? Or installing the lem module in some other python environment?

    1. Yong

      Hi Lisandro, yes, you can install new Python modules. Can you please explain a bit more about installing new Python modules? Modules written by yourself or by others?
      You cannot use lem as a standalone module. But you can use LEMSlope in command line mode if you would like to.

      1. Lisandro

        I want to install 3rd party libraries (eg. numpy, scipy, etc) and if possible functions from some folder in my computer

        1. Yong

          You can install the modules with pip in the folder python-3.11.4\Scripts. You can also put your own extensions in the LEMSlope Extension folder.

  2. Steve Z

    Hi Yong, I have a question: how do we consider piezometric lines?

    1. Yong

      Hi Steve, the following function can be used to assign piezometric lines:
      [case] assign_horizontal_phreatic_surface()
      [case] assign_polyline_phreatic_surface()
      [case] assign_spline_phreatic_surface()
      [case] assign_automatic_phreatic_surface()

      You can click the question marks and find all the function details on the Cheat Sheet.

  3. Jason

    How to import a DXF geometry into Lemslope? It does not work currently.

    Thanks for your reply!


    1. Yong

      Hi Jason, can you forward me your dxf file and see if I can figure out why the dxf does not work?

      1. jason

        *** DXF file produced by Open CASCADE 7.2
        *** Date: 2023-06-08T12:23:37

        1. Yong

          I can see points in your file. LEMSlope needs lines or polylines.
          Please don’t paste all the data in the comments. You can email me the data. Thanks.

          1. Jason

            You should provide an DXF example. That will help the users.

          2. Yong


  4. Fernando

    Hi! Can LEMSlope be compiled to run on Linux? Also is the program open source? Is the source code uploaded somewhere accessible to the public.
    Thank you

    1. Yong

      Hi Fernando. LEMSlope is not open source. No plan to compile it on Linux at this moment.

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