
PyPile Related Publications

  1. Aflizal Arafianto, Maritin Wijaya. Deriving a p-y Curve from Lateral Pile Load Tests – Case Studies in Alluvial OC Clays. Earth and Environmental Science. 2023
  2. Daniel Schöler. Methode zur Schnittgrößenermittlung für horizontal beanspruchte Gründungspfähle. Deep Foundation Design LLC 2023.
  3. Crispin, Jamie J. Static and Dynamic Analysis of Piles in Inhomogeneous Soil. Dissertation 2022.
  4. Leineth Tatiana Cardona Moron, Analisis Del Comportamiento Del Pilotes Cortos Ante Cargas Laterales. Mujeres en Ingenireria: Empoderamiento, Liderazgo y Compromiso. 2021.
  5. Felipe Freitas de Oliveira. Proposta de Modificação de Metodologia de Previsão de Deslocamentos Horizontais de Estacas Hélice Contínua em Solo Granular. Dissertação 2020.
  6. Tomi Keto. Lateral load capacity of piles in cohesive and cohesionless soils. Thesis 2020.
  7. Mohamed K. El-Kazak, Mohamed Abdel-mooty, Adel Akl. Performance-Based Plastic Design of Earthquake for Special Moment Reinforced Concrete Frames Considering Soil-Pile-Structure-Interaction. Al Azhar University Civil Engineering Research Magazine (CERM) 2019; 441(4):90-101.
  8. Omed Azeez, Rizgar Hummadi, Ahmed Hasan. Ultimate capacity of laterally loaded pile foundation in dry and saturated layered soils. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. 2019;12(10):1647-1653.
  9. Yang Yu, Hongyue Sun, C. Hsein Juang. A New Model for Response of Laterally Loaded Piles in Soil-Rock Mixtures. Computers and Geotechnics 2018;104:237-246.
  10. Tiago de Souza Magnus. The effect of modeling lateral stiffness of pile foundations on numerical analyses of structural frames. Thesis 2018.
  11. Candela Carrillo Herrero. Calculo de Pilotes Sometidos a Cargas Laterales. Applicacion a Cimentaciones para Postes Ferroviarios. Dissertation 2018.
  12. Edgar Leonardo Salamanca-Medina, Nebardo Arturo Abril-González. Physical scale modeling of single free head piles under lateral loading in cohesive soils. Ingenieria Investigacion y Desarrollo 2017;17(2):73-82.

LEMSlope Related Publications

  1. Tommaso Francesco Maria Martino. Analisi Probabilistica di Stabilita Geotecnica di Discariche: Aspetti Modellistici e Applicatione Alla Discarica di San Martino a Maiano (FI). Thesis 2023.

GeoRose Related Publications

  1. Bailey Drover. A record of transpression-related brittle-ductile deformation and associated alteration within granitoid plutons of the Wabigoon subprovince, Superior Province. Thesis 2022.
  2. Nicholas T. Smith, Jonathan W. Merritt, Emrys R. Phillips. High-resolution 3D geological modelling of heterogeneity in poorly exposed glacial deposits using sedimentary and glaciotectonic architectural element analysis: a case example from Sellafield in west Cumbria, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 2022;56.
  3. John Parianos, Anthony O’Sullivan, Pedro Madureira. Geology of parts of the central and eastern Clarion Clipperton Zone. Journal of Maps 2022;18(2):232–245.
  4. Siti Nur Fathiyah Jamaludin, Manuel Pubellier, Benjamin Sautter. Shallow vs. Deep Subsurface Structures of Central Luconia Province, Offshore Malaysia Reveal by Aeromagnetic, Airborne Gravity and Seismic Data. Applied Sciences 2021;11(5095).
  5. Mohamad Nur Heriawan , Rifqy Adwin Hafizsyah, Jihan Syifa Hanunah, Arie Naftali Hawu Hede , Dwiyogarani Malik. Surface and Subsurface Fracture Zones Modeling Using Automatic Lineament Analysis and Geostatistical Method, with Case Study of Wayang Windu Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia. Earth and Environmental Science 417 2020.
  6. Alberto Bosino, Luisa Pellegrini, Adel Omran, Massimiliano Bordoni, Claudia Meisina & Michael Maerker. Litho-structure of the Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Apennines (Italy). Journal of Maps 2019 15(2):382-392.
  7. R. M. Borden1 and D. M. Burr. Analysis of Small-Scale Wrinkle Ridges in Aeolis Dorsa, Mars. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 1003.
  8. Emre Bengu. Post-Paleogene Stress Distribution in the Bartin-Ulus-Safranbolu Basins, Western Pontides, Turkey. Thesis 2017.
  9. Soumyajit Mukherjee, Kieran F. Mulchrone. Ductile Shear Zones: From Micro- to Macro-scales. 2015. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-84496-0.
  10. Sarah J Swanson, Richard Barker, Yonggeng Ye, Simon Gilroy. Evaluating mechano-transduction and touch responses in plant roots. Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1309:143-50.