Questions & Comments

Please feel free to ask questions, request new features, provide suggestions, report bugs, and comment on PyPile.

This Post Has 71 Comments

  1. Ben

    Hi Yong! Is it possible to model micropiles with casings? Generally, micropiles are installed with steel casings (in addition to a central reinforcing bar) that penetrate to a certain depth and aid in moment resistance. If this isn’t a feature, could it be done in the future?

    1. Yong

      Hi Ben, if you would like to simulate the pile with concrete and steel materials with the nonlinear stress-strain relationships, the current concrete pile model cannot include the steel bar and the steel casing and the filled concrete. If you only use the elastic materials for the steel and the concrete, you can calculate the weighted EI by yourself with a round pile. The most import section of the pile for lateral resistance will be the top section, especially for the long slim micropiles. The very bottom section of the pile, with or without steel casing, may not contribute too much to the resistance.

  2. Samuel

    Hello! I have a question related to micropiles or concreted piles.
    I have to create a round concrete pile of 220 mm of radius and 2400 mm of buried depth. Inside, it will contain 3 corrugated steel bars of diameter 6 mm, following a triangular distribution between them. The micropile has corrugated steel tying of longitudinal bars each 100 mm from -100 mm from ground level to -1200 mm and from -1200 mm to -2350 mm each 200 mm.
    Is it possible to create a micropile like this?
    Thanks beforehand

    1. Yong

      Hi Samuel, without know the details of your analysis case, I would recommend to use the EI of the 3 bars and the width of 220 mm to simulate the pile.

  3. Mahdi

    Hello. Could you please provide the PYPILE version working with windows 7. I am doing research on lateral performance of pile for academic purpose.
    Many Thanks

    1. Yong

      Sorry Mahdi. Cannot find Windows 7 to compile the program. No plan to support Windows 7.

  4. Samuel

    Hello! I would like to know how to create a C profile. When I try to create I do the following: Model_pile_General Pile_C channels and I describe the width, Inertia and E. However, when I go to check the displacements, I see the image of the section and it seems to be round. So, I cannot ensure that I have created it properly.

    1. Samuel

      Other question that I have, is there a maximum recommended p-multiplier? sometimes when I use the geotechnical parameters provided in the geotechnical report, the displacement at ground level is much higher than the value obtained in a real static-loading test campaign. In that case I need to use a p-multiplier huge to adjust the soil behavior.

      1. Yong

        This is going to be your judgment. Possibly the parameters from the geotechnical report are not reasonable.

        1. Samuel

          Hi, thanks for your response! Yes, that is what I think. I have more confidence on test results onsite.

    2. Yong

      Hi Samuel, what you have done is correct. You can also select C Channels from Pile Class and then select a specific Pile Type. You can edit the spreadsheet to add your own pile data. It shows a round section since the pile is general and the pile could be with any types of cross sections. The parameters required are width, E and I.

      1. Samuel

        Perfect Yong, all clear. Thank you so much!

  5. Kestas

    Hi, Yong, can you supplement the PyPile program with report forming window. Usually in pile calculation report there is all entered data about the pile (length, diameter, reinforcement, kind of concrete, kind of reinforement stell, steel pile wall thickness and etc.) and calculation result report. Currently it is possible to get only graphs for calculation report and make print screens of data entrance windows.

  6. Kestas

    Hi, Yong, how can I calculate the pile with different diameter? I want to model pile that top part is retained to horizontal larger plate.

    1. Yong

      Hi Kestas, you used the finned pile option in the pile dialog.

  7. Benjamín Reyes

    Hi Yong, im student from a civil engineering masters degree, Is it possible to activate an academic license? Thank you so much.

    1. Yong

      Hi Benjamin, can you please email me some information indicating you are currently a student in University. Please also forward me your serial number.

  8. Agustin

    Hi Yong, I’m a professor in an University and I was wondering how could I access to the academic free license.


    1. Yong

      Hello Professor, please forward me your webpage and the program serial number so that I can activate your license.

  9. Paul

    I am looking to purchase the full version of the PyPile software. However, my trial license expired and i cannot access the program to get my serial number. Is there another way that I can access my serial number so I can complete purchasing the program?

    1. Yong

      Hi Paul, please download the latest version. You can find the serial number on the About dialog.

  10. Rodrigo

    Hi! we are having some difficulties to use the “custom soil by curve”. Is there a particular way of how the inputs need to be used? let’s say, we have:
    P= [0 10 22 30 44] kN/m
    y = [0 5 10 15 20] mm

    how this values shall be introduced to the “Costom soil by curve” input table?

    Many thanks!

    1. Yong

      Hi Rodrigo, you can enter 0, 10, 22, 30, 44 for P0 and 0, 10, 22, 30, 44 for P1 and 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 for y. You can also enter different curves for P0 and P1. The curves used for calculation will be linearly interpolated between P0 and P1.

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