Questions & Comments

Please feel free to ask questions, request new features, provide suggestions, report bugs, and comment on GeoRose.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. ganesh

    using which software we can calculate angle between two planes

    1. Yong

      I don’t have an answer for this question. Probably it’s a good idea to put the calculation in GeoRose.

  2. Abosede

    Can you tell how to stop the strike values from being converted (180 degrees is being subtracted).

  3. Abosede

    The strikes are changing, it keeps putting -180 from big values, which results in a wrong plot. How do I rectify this problem?

  4. Jeremy

    Can a GeoRose rose diagram output be used in a publication if the software is cited?

  5. Jo

    Please list the system requirements for GeoRose on your website.

    1. Yong

      Will do. GeoRose should work on Windows 7 to Windows 10. Not tested on Windows 11. Not tested on the newest MacOS yet.

  6. megha

    where can i find the manual for georose?

    1. Yong

      Please take a look the YouTube video. It should be simple enough to follow.

  7. LaRell Nielson

    Is there a way in Georose to change the settings so have two or more colors on one rose diagram so you can show two or more different populations within your data set?

    1. Yong

      Good idea Nielson. I will try to implement this. I know it’s been a long time since last update.

  8. eve

    georose wont install because its a zz file, is it not compatible with windows?

    1. Yong

      Hi Eve, the GeoRose files are zipped into 7z format. If you don’t have 7-Zip on your computer, you can download 7-Zip from and unzip your GeoRose file.

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